Jun 30, 2017

The Beauty Juice - عصير الجمال

 English      العربية

This juice is made of arugula orange and strawberry these ingredients are full of vitamins, zinc, and iron which are so good for your skin and hair 

Arugula : Vitamin A, increase hair growth and thickness.
Orange : Vitamin C, treat dark spots & acne, whitening your skin, improve your skin. 
Strawberry : Vitamin A, B and C " one of the beauty food"

I drank this juice daily for about two weeks and I noticed a deferent, my hair stopped falling out and my skin become more healthy and glowy .
but you must take care of what you eat and not counting only on this juice because your food reflect your body "our skin is the mirror of our health "

The beauty Juice

  • handful arugula
  • 1 orange 
  • 4 strawberry
  • 2 tbsp honey to sweeten 
  • ice  
put all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth and serve . 

" Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself " Coco Chanel

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