Aug 10, 2017

3 Overnight Oats Recipes- ٣ وصفات لشوفان الأوفر نايت

 English      العربية

Overnight Oat

Base Recipe 
  • 1/2 cup Oat -gluten free 
  • 1/2 cup Almond milk - or any nondairy milk of choice 
  • tsp Chia seed 
  • tbsp Honey or Maple Syrup
put dray ingredients in a glass jar and shake well 
add the wet ingredients and shake again 
add in your favorite flavor 

  • Base Recipe 
  • 1/4 cup Mango 
  • 1/8 cup Blueberry 
  • tbsp shredded coconut 

Chunky Monkey 
  • Base Recipe 
  • 1/4 cup Banana- diced
  • 1/2 tbsp Peanut Butter 
  • 1tsp Cacao Powder 

Go Cherry 
  • Base Recipe 
  • 1/4 Cherry- diced 
  • 1/8 Walnuts- diced
  • 1\2 tsp Vanilla Extract 
  • pinch Cinnamon

mix all ingredients together, cover with a lid, keep in fridge overnight and Enjoy the next day :)

" Every great tradition has told you that you are created in the image and the likeness of the creative source. That means that you have God potential and power to create you world, and you are! " James Ray

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