Apr 27, 2017

How To Make Hazelnut Milk حليب البندق

 English      العربية

Hazelnut Milk is one of my favorites, so yummy and good for your body full of vitamins and protein , what makes it even better is if you make it at home pure and non-prossesd , here's a quick and easy recipe you will definitely love .

Hazelnut milk

Ingredients : 
1 cup hazelnut soaked for 8 hours or overnight 
3 cup water
2 to 5 dates 
pinch of cinnamon 
Fine-mesh nut bag or cheese cloth.

Instructions :
soaked the hazelnut for 8 hours or overnight.
rinse the hazelnut from their soaking water very well. 
Place the hazelnut in the blender with water , date and cinnamon. 
plend at the highest speed. 
Line the strainer with either the opened nut bag or cheese cloth, and place over a measuring cup. Pour the hazelnut mixture into the strainer.
Gather the nut bag or cheese cloth around the hazelnut meal and twist close. Squeeze and press to extract as much hazelnut milk as possible.
Store the milk in sealed containers in the fridge for up to 3-4 days.
(the leftover hazelnut meal can be added to smoothies )

*Here's a quick easy recipe for Cashew Milk that you can make in less than a minute ! 

Why dairy milk is BAD for you ? and what's the substitute ?!

 English      العربية

the importance of this post is to show you why milk is bad for you and to make you aware of what you are putting in your body so that you can see how important it is to eat pure foods and to see which foods are good for your body 

today's milk is processed food and this actually changes the chemistry of the milk and increases its detrimental and acidifying effects, this's one of the reasons that makes the milk so bad for you and there's a lot of studies found that dairy milk could cause : 
Diabetes < the first cause to diabetes is cow milk .
Heart disease 
Sugar turns to fat 
Bone loss 
Weight gain
"Cow milk is made for tiny cow not for you !"

There's a lot of alternatives so that you can enjoy foods that are much healthier 
Nuts milk is one of them , It's so good for your body , hair and skin
it's full of Vitamins 
and the list goes on !
you can make it with hazelnut, almond, walnut, cashew, etc
I posted a delicious recipes for Hazelnut Milk and Cashew Milk
try it and see the deferent your self ;) 

Apr 24, 2017

Watermelon 🍉 

 English      العربية

watermelon is so good for your body, skin and hair 
it’s so juicy contains huge amounts of water ( 90% of it) making it one of the best - sources of hydration
- help with the digestion
- full with Vitamins 
The benefits of eating watermelon are incredible
eat as much as you can
Make your juice with nothing but watermelon - with the seed- no need to add anything with it but ice (not even water )
You can add lemon juice if you like to and some peppermint ,

But I love my juice this way nothing but ice so yummy and refreshing ,You definitely should try it. 

Apr 23, 2017

Why scrubbing & DIY Lavender Scrub

 English      العربية

body scrub is so important for everyone no exception , it should be in our shower routine ,why ?!  Here are some benefits you can get from scrubbing your body that you'll notice it in short time :

  • give you smoother and softer skin .
  • Clean the body , remove the oil , dead cells and dead skin .
  • Help prevent ingrown hairs and make hair removal easier .
  • move the blood which leads to bright beauty skin .
  • moisturize the body throw the oils that's on it .
  • it can help healing any problem in the skin ( acne , eczema , cellulite , stretch marks and dry skin ) depends on the ingredients on the scrub that you choose . 
Here's one of my favorite scrubs that's really help to soften the skin and will make your day .

Lavender scrub

Ingredients :
  • 1 cup sugar .
  • 1 tbsp solid coconut oil .
  • 2 tbsp grapeseed oil or olive oil .
  • 1 tsp lavender .
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil.
  • 5 drop tea tree essential oil . 


  • Place sugar and lavender in mixing bowl, Mix it.
  • Add coconut oil to the bowl and Mix again . 
  • Add the essential oils , and mix until well combined.
  • Transfer to Mason Jar, and that’s it! So simple! happy scrubbing ;) 

Peanut butter and banana smoothie

 English       العربية

This peanut butter and banana smoothie is One of my favorites, that's why I posted it as my first recipe ;) ! it's healthy, vegan ,rich in protein and so easy to make , it's so delicious taste a whole lot like ice cream .

  • 1 cup almond milk or water .
  • 1 frozen banana .
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter (no sugar) .
  • 1 tbsp cacao powder .
  • 1 tbsp chia seed .
  • 2 dates (optional) .
  • Ice 

DIRECTIONS :  put all ingredients in a blender , blend until smooth , serve right away ENJOY :) 

Wayne Dyer said in his movie "The Shift " :
There's a place deep within us that wants to feel fulfilled , it wants to know that my life has made a difference that I left this plant that I lived on better than when I arrived , that's someone's life has been profoundly touched because of my existence , it's not about age or finding your self , wherever you are , at whatever age , you're only a thought away from changing your life . 
so this os the story behind my blog , this is why I started it "finally" because I want to help people in anyway I can  and share my knowledge with you even if it's not that much . 
I'm so interested in mind, body and spirit , so you'r gonna find deferent topic about healthy quick and easy recipes , DIY body care and some topic about life .
hope you enjoy my Blog and welcome all :)