Apr 23, 2017

Wayne Dyer said in his movie "The Shift " :
There's a place deep within us that wants to feel fulfilled , it wants to know that my life has made a difference that I left this plant that I lived on better than when I arrived , that's someone's life has been profoundly touched because of my existence , it's not about age or finding your self , wherever you are , at whatever age , you're only a thought away from changing your life . 
so this os the story behind my blog , this is why I started it "finally" because I want to help people in anyway I can  and share my knowledge with you even if it's not that much . 
I'm so interested in mind, body and spirit , so you'r gonna find deferent topic about healthy quick and easy recipes , DIY body care and some topic about life .
hope you enjoy my Blog and welcome all :)

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