Apr 27, 2017

Why dairy milk is BAD for you ? and what's the substitute ?!

 English      العربية

the importance of this post is to show you why milk is bad for you and to make you aware of what you are putting in your body so that you can see how important it is to eat pure foods and to see which foods are good for your body 

today's milk is processed food and this actually changes the chemistry of the milk and increases its detrimental and acidifying effects, this's one of the reasons that makes the milk so bad for you and there's a lot of studies found that dairy milk could cause : 
Diabetes < the first cause to diabetes is cow milk .
Heart disease 
Sugar turns to fat 
Bone loss 
Weight gain
"Cow milk is made for tiny cow not for you !"

There's a lot of alternatives so that you can enjoy foods that are much healthier 
Nuts milk is one of them , It's so good for your body , hair and skin
it's full of Vitamins 
and the list goes on !
you can make it with hazelnut, almond, walnut, cashew, etc
I posted a delicious recipes for Hazelnut Milk and Cashew Milk
try it and see the deferent your self ;) 

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