Jun 30, 2017

The Beauty Juice - عصير الجمال

 English      العربية

This juice is made of arugula orange and strawberry these ingredients are full of vitamins, zinc, and iron which are so good for your skin and hair 

Arugula : Vitamin A, increase hair growth and thickness.
Orange : Vitamin C, treat dark spots & acne, whitening your skin, improve your skin. 
Strawberry : Vitamin A, B and C " one of the beauty food"

I drank this juice daily for about two weeks and I noticed a deferent, my hair stopped falling out and my skin become more healthy and glowy .
but you must take care of what you eat and not counting only on this juice because your food reflect your body "our skin is the mirror of our health "

The beauty Juice

  • handful arugula
  • 1 orange 
  • 4 strawberry
  • 2 tbsp honey to sweeten 
  • ice  
put all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth and serve . 

" Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself " Coco Chanel

Jun 27, 2017

Guacamole Recipe - سلطة الافوكادو

 English      العربية

Homemade guacamole simple, quick and absolutely delicious. I love guac so much and this's the best recipe I've ever made and taste! you have to try it it's so deeeeelicious !



  • 1 avocado seeded and scooped from peel 
  • half tomato, finely chopped
  • 1\4 cup red onion, finely chopped
  • pinch of finely chopped cilantro 
  • 2 small clove garlic, minced
  • juice of half lemon 
  • 1\2 tsp salt, cumin and black pepper- more to taste 

In mixing bowl mash avocado with a fork to reach desired consistency 
add tomato to avocado, along with onion , cilantro and garlic
pour lemon juice and season with salt, cumin and pepper
mix and stir to combine
serve and enjoy ! 

Don't forget to check the recipe video from my youtube channel : 

Jun 23, 2017

RAW FRUIT TART - وصفة تارت الفواكه الصحي

 English      العربية

Fruit tart has been one of my favourite dessert before I stopped eating sugar and began this diet, I didn't think there could be a healthy replacement for it until I made this delicious tart! it's a great way to enjoy dessert without feeling like you're hurting your body with a refined sugar and so . 

I made this tart with no sugar, flour or egg! and you don't even have to bake!
this's one of the best tart that I've ever tasted, so yummy and full of healthy fat and this fresh fruit make every bite in this tart amazing.
I really really hope that you try it.You will love it!it will make you feel healthful and awesome.


Filling and toppings
  • 1 cup cashews
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup or honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • fruit toppings of choice like berries strawberries and kiwi
  • 1 cup almonds
  • 4-5 dates

Make the frosting: Place all of the frosting ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy
Place it in the fridge to harden for about an hour 

Make the crust: In a food processor, process the almonds until they're a course meal then drop in the dates until your crust forms. 
Line the bottom of a tart pan with parchment paper and pour the crust into your tart pan
Place it in the freezer to sit for about 30 minutes
Remove the crust from the freezer and transfer onto a serving plate. Spread with the frosting and decorate with your favorite fruit, ENJOY !

" You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips oliver goldsmith 

Jun 15, 2017

Homemade Chocolate Bark - وصفة شوكلاتة صحية

 English      العربية

What could be better than a healthy raw dark chocolate that you can eat any time with guilt-free, actually you can eat it and help your body at the same time! cacao knows as the" beauty food" that is good for our skin and body! beside who doesn't love chocolate, right !

here's an easy quick delicious chocolate bars that's better than what's in the market which filled with lost of unrefined sugar and additives .
and what I love most about this recipe is that I can add any of my favorites 
topping and be creative about it .

I'll writ down the basic recipe and of course you can be fancy and add your favorites nut, pomegranate, blueberry, dried grapes -whatever you like and make it your own, I love adding dried raspberry, taste so fantastico !
It's wonderful how many healthy options we have that is good alternatives from all the processed junk food . 

Healthy Chocolate Bar 

  • 1\4 cup melted cocount oil
  • 1\2 cup cacao powder 
  • 2 tbsp honey or more to taste
  • for sparkling I used dried raspberry, grape and almond

add coconut oil with honey and whisk until dissolved 
add cacao slowly and whisk until there are no remaining lumps of cacao powder 
pour the mixture into baking pad over baking sheet with your topping
cool in freeze for 30 mins 
When cool and harden completely brake it into pieces
store in air tight containers in the freeze .

" the greatest gift you can give your self is freedom from what others think " Abraham Hicks 

Jun 9, 2017

DIY Vanilla Body Scrub . مقشر الفانيليا للجسم

 English      العربية

Body scrubs are a wonderful way to pamper yourself for you, they leave the skin feeling smooth and soft, removing dead skin cells and boots your skin with a healthy glow, and this vanilla scrub is one of my favorites, beside all the benefits it smells so very good .

vanilla scrub 

  • 1\2 cup brown sugar
  • 1\2 cup white sugar
  • 1\3 cup solid coconut oil
  • 1tbsp vitamin E oil (or 2 capsules)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 30 drops vanilla essential oil (or vanilla extract)
  • Place all dry ingredients in mixing bowl, Mix it
  • Add oils to the bowl and mix until well combined
  • Transfer to Mason Jar, and Enjoy .
Here's a post about scrubs's benefits and lavender scrub recipe .

" Happiness is the secret to all beauty, There's no beauty without happiness " Christian Dior

Jun 6, 2017

Raw Vegan Ice-Cream ! ايس كريم صحي نباتي

 English      العربية

When we think of ice-cream the first thing we think of is the refunded sugar, additives, calories ...etc  but here we have "again" a healthy alternative for such a delicious ice cream which we really need specially in this summer time . 

This raw vegan healthy ice-cream made of only 3 ingredients so easy to make so delicious and the most important thing that it's guilt-free .

What I love about this recipe is that you get to be creative about it and decorate your ice cream whith your favourite mix-in. I added some raspberries, blueberries and homemade granola - recipe soon.

Healthy Ice-Ceam 

  • 2-3 frozen banana 
  • 4 date
  • 1 tbsp cacao powder 
Add date and some water to the food processor and blend. 
Add bananas to the blender and continue to blend until smooth, approximately 2-3 minutes. 
Add cacao powder and blend again .
Scoop into a bowl add your own decoration and enjoy immediately ! For firmer ice cream, place in a container and freeze for at least 1 hour.

"when you love what you have, you have everything you need "

Jun 2, 2017

DIY Solid Perfume . اصنعي عطرك بنفسك

 English      العربية

What's good about this homemade perfume is that you can choose your own scent and be creative and fancy about it! And of course it's save to use on skin, it's all made of natural ingredients so that you can skip all the chemical nasty ingredients that is in the market's. and it will be a great idea if you wanna give it as a gift .
I love using this perfume every time, specially after shower, it gives me that feeling of refreshing! I sometimes put a little on my hair ends and it smells fantastic .

I  made a different scents the first was: lemon, lavender and vanilla .
The second: coconut essential oil, vanilla and peppermint. And I loved the smell, So perfect and refreshing!

DIY Solid Perfume


  • 1 tsp beeswax 
  • 1 tsp almond oil- or any oil of your choice 
  • essential oils of choice (my blend: 10 drops lemon, 18 drops lavender, 12 drops vanilla )
  • 1 oz tin container 

Drop your essential oils into the tin and set aside.
Melt the beeswax and the almond oil in a small glass bowl over a small pot of boiling water, stir until it's completely melted.
Pour the mixture into your tin over the essential oils, then give it a slight stir. 
Within a few minutes it will harden. And now you can enjoy your own homemade perfume when ever you want to smell fantastic.

" Do small things with great love "

Jun 1, 2017

How To Make Cashew Milk . طريقة حليب الكاجو

 English      العربية

Cashew is one of the nuts that I've been obsessed about recently, I've been adding it to more recipes, actually I made a raw vegan cheese from cashews here's the recipe , I also made this delicious cashew milk which you can use it in place of dairy milk in smoothie or on its own !
besides the fact that it's so yummy it's also so good for our health and a good source of:
  • protein 
  • calcium- so good for bone teeth and mussels more than processed dairy milk 
  • zinc 
  • copper 
  • iron 
  • magnesium 
  • fibers

all the things that our body need in a daily basis. and what's better then doing your own cashew milk at home? you can make a smooth milk that's incredibly delicious, super easy to make and doesn't need straining 

Before use, soak the cashews in water at least 4 hours, or overnightDrain the cashews and rinse until the water runs clear. and now it's ready to use.

Cashew Milk 

  • 1 cup cashew 
  • 2 cup water
  • 3 date- or more 
  • pinch cinnamon (optional) 
put all the ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth- this could take 2 mins or more- add water if needed .
Store the milk in a covered container in the refrigerator. It should keep for 3 to 4 days.

And here's a recipe for Hazelnut Milk that I think you will like it ;)
" The thoughts we think are responsible for the results we are getting." Bop Proctor