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In this post I want to talk about one of the best book I have ever read " Ask And It Is Given- Esther And Jerry Hicks, The Teaching of Abraham" . I consider this book to be one of the most valuable books ever. that is why I chose it to be the first book that I'd talk about, I really believe that everyone should read it .
Abraham is a family of Non-Physical Beings, they radiate that which they are vibrationally, they offer their knowledge throw Esther, and Esther receives those vibration and translates them into physical word equivalent.
I'll talk about it so simply and briefly. I've read lots of books about The Law Of Attraction. for me, this is the best book that taught me how to understand it, it really changed me. I read it every once in a while, and I keep it with me always.
The book has two part, the first one is about how to manifest your desires, so that you can live the joyous and fulfilling life that you deserve. it tells you who are you, who you were before you were born, and who you will be after you die, things you are going to read probably for the first time.
It talks about how the world is vibrating, including you and everything around you, and it focus upon how important it is for you to feel good and to be pleased with where you are right now, in this moment, no matter where you are, even if you are standing in a place far away from where you want to be. Because when you understand the power of feeling good now, you will hold the key to the achievement of any state of being, any state of health, any state of wealth, any state of anything that you desire. This will be the first step on your way to achieve all of your desires, when you in a good mood you connect with your source, when you are in negative emotions -fear, anger, depuration- you loose your connection to source.
And whether your dreams are big or small, whenever you ask it is always given. The only reason why you can't achieve your desires is you, and only you! ether you are resisting it or you are focusing on the absent of it. that is why you attract more of its absence.
the second part is about 22 different process to achieve your goals, in short time no matter where you are now and what your goals is, the process is gonna help you to be a master in the law of attraction
Your life is not only about gathering experiences and knowledge, it is about fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy. your life is about the continuing expression of who you truly are .
Abraham wrote this book to help us in returning to our place of optimism, positive expectation, and expanding joy; and to remind us that there is nothing that we cannot be, do, or have.and to assist us in consciously returning to the knowledge that we are free and that we always have been free-and that we always will be free to make our own choices. because it is not possible for anyone else to create our reality.
Satisfaction is not an easy thing to have but when you come to know that your are the master of your life, and when you start taking responsibility for your life and
stop blaming others for your problems, then it will be easy for you to reach the point of satisfaction and be a satisfied happy person.
It is really important the you direct your thoughts to the right direction, to love, joy, happiness and all the positive emotion, the moment you diced to direct your thought you will be in constant connection with God ,with joy ,and with all that you consider to be good.
By the time you reach the end of this book you will know yourself more, and you will love your self more, and you will enjoy your life.
This is the book review in very briefly way, I really hope you find it helpful, and it makes you exited to read it, promise you, you won't regret it.
And finally here is some quotes from the book :
“ There is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have “
" You can tell by the way you feel whether, in this moment, you are a match to your desire or a match to its absence; whether you are allowing or resisting your desire, or whether you are, In this moment, helping or hindering"
" You were born with an innate knowledge that you do create your own reality "
" Once you relax into the idea that you will never cease to be, that new desires will constantly be born within you, that source will never stop answering your desires, and that your expansion is, therefore, eternal, then you may begin to relax if, in this moment, there is something that you desire that has not yet come to fruition "
" No matter what you ask for when you ask for__whether you ask for it with your words, or with just a subtle impression of your desire__your request is heard and answered every time, no exception. when you ask, it is always given "
" Anything you focus upon, becomes your reality "
The Link to "Ask And It Is Given" from Amazon : HERE
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