Oct 11, 2017

DIY Cacao Face Mask | ماسك الكاكاو للبشرة

 English      العربية

This mask is made from cacao, honey and yogurt, the benefits of these ingredients for your skin is endless, here is some of this mask benefits : 

  • Provides hydration to the skin
  • Gives you a glowing skin
  • Heals wounds and scars quickly
  • Soothes sunburns
  • Helps in protecting the skin and keeping it healthy
  • Fights pimples and acne
  • Treats Dry Skin

DIY Cacao Face Mask 


  • 1 tbsp Yogurt
  • 1 tsp Cacao Powder 
  • 1\2 tsp Honey 

Clean your face with a gentle facial cleanser
Pat your face dry before using the mask
Apply the paste to your face and neck 
Leave it for 20 min
Remove thoroughly with warm water
Apply your favorite moisturizer or oil such as jojoba oil or avocado oil .

"Shine like the whole universe is yours" Rumi

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