May 31, 2017

DIY Turmeric Face Mask . قناع الكركم للوجه

 English      العربية

Homemade face mask with Turmeric witch known as the secret woppen of beauty because of its benefit for the skin and here's some of 

Turmeric beauty benefits

  • Turmeric is high in antioxidants that slow down cell damage .
  • Improves skin’s texture .
  • Helps with inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne, dry skin, psoriasis and eczema .
  • Helps to even skin tone .
  • Gives you a glowing skin .
  • Remove scars and reduces wrinkles and dark circles .
When used regularly, this face mask will give your skin more glowing, help whitening your skin and clear up these common skin problems .

DIY Turmeric Mask

  • 1 tsp Turmeric Powder
  • 1 tbsp raw honey
  • 1 tbsp olive oil 
Clean your face with a gentle facial cleanser
Pat your face dry before using the mask
Apply the paste to your face and neck 
Leave for 10 to 15 min
Remove thoroughly with warm water
Apply your favorite moisturizer or oil such as jojoba oil or avocado oil .

" The sign of a beautful person is that they always see beauty in others " 

May 30, 2017

Raw vegan caramel sauce . صوص الكراميل صحي ونباتي

 English      العربية

can you believe that there's a healthy caramel sauce! caramel sauce is always made of sugar , and sugar is the most dangers thing you can ever eat, it effects your whole body , brain and even your skin! in almost every book I read - even if it's not about health- they always talk about sugar side effects and how important it is to stay away from it, cause everything you eat effects your whole life not only your body.
I stopped eating sugar for more than 3 years now, and if only one person in this plant can do it so can you, nothing can stop you ! 
So step by step try to cut the sugar out of your diet until you cut it permanently. Beside there's a lot of alternatives for almost every recipe you can find it everywhere and you can easily make healthy choices always" the choice is yours".

actually you can eat caramel and feed your body with vitamins at the same time cause date is the main ingredient for this recipe and it's so good for your body it's one of the food that we should eat daily.
this delicious date caramel sauce taste exactly like caramel and even better, also so quick and easy to make, it's made of only 2 ingredients . 


  • 1 cup date .
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil .

soak the date for about an hour -so it can blend easily.
add the date and coconut oil to a food processor and blend until smooth . add water if needed .
transfer the sauce to a jar and refrigerate- it will last for a week or more .

*you can add vanilla extract to add more flavor . 
*serve it with green apple , cracks or banana ice-cream- recipe Here

Do not forget to watch the recipe video on my youtube channel 

" Nothing can jump into your life without your invitation "Abraham Hicks

May 28, 2017

Spicy Tahini Sauce Recipe - وصفة صوص الطحينة الحار

 English      العربية

spicy and sweet tahini sauce so yummy and easy to make. since I'm addicted to tahini and it's part of my day I made this sauce but didn't think it will be this delicious
you must try it even if you don't like tahini I'm sure you'll change your mind about it, serve it with your green salad it will taste much better ! 
* tahini is made from untoasted sesame seed and it's high in protein.

  • 1\4 cup Tahini 
  • 1-2 clove garlic 
  • 2 tbsp olive oil 
  • juice of 2 lemon 
  • 1\2 tbsp honey 
  • 1 tsp paprika & crushed red pepper - or more if desire 
  • pinch of salt - black pepper - onion powder 
  • some water 

put all in ingredients in a food processor, pulse until combinedAdd more water as needed .
transfer the sauce to a jar and refrigerate, it will last for a week .

May 26, 2017

Cantaloupe juice - عصير الشمام

 English      العربية

I can never get enough when it comes to Cantaloupe especially in this time of the year, nothing can be any better than this summertime fresh juice, so easy yet so delicious .
Cantaloupe is so good for your body, full of vitamins especially vitamin A & C, improves eye health and skin glow .

here's a qiuek  recipe you can do in less than 5 mins ..

  • 2 cup chopped cantaloupe 
  • 1 cup water
  • 4 dates or more if desire 
  • ice 

in a blender add all the ingredients and process until smooth, if it's thick, add more water. pour into a glass and serve immediately . 

May 25, 2017

DIY Lip Plumper اصنعي بنفسك نافخ الشفايف

 English      العربية

here's an easy quick DIY lip plumper with natural ingredients away form all the chemical stuff .
there's a lot of studies done from a lot of company that shown if you use a lip plumper every day your lip will become plump and bigger .
this easy lip plump not only will plump your lip but also gonna soft and keep your lip hydrated so they don't get chapped and irritated .
I use it every night before I go to bed and I notice that my lip is getting bigger , so it is so important that you use it everyday .

Here we go...

  • 1 tbsp cacao butter 
  • 1\2 tbsp shea butter 
  • 1tbsp coconut oil 
  • 2 drops of vitamin E oil 
  • 15 drops essential cinnamon oil- or 1tsp ground cinnamon.
  • Lip palm container 


  • Melt cacao butter, shea butter and coconut oil in a small glass bowl over a small pot of boiling water, stirring constantly until melted.
  • Add cinnamon oil to your mixture .
  • Once you’ve added the essential oils, move the mixture to the lip balm container .
  • Let it sit at room temperature for a few minutes until cooled and completely hardened before capping them.

* If you used the cinnamon essential oil you'll feel a little burns but it's totally normal because of the cinnamon oil , don'r worry it will go after 30 seconds . 
* If you're pregnant DO NOT use any essential oil .

May 24, 2017

Raw Vegan Cheese جبنة نباتية صحية

 English      العربية

Here's a healthy raw vegan cheese recipe not only healthy but also so so delicious and easy to make . 
it's also full of protein ,iron and a good source of vitamin B.

1 cup soaked cashew ( for 4 hours or over night )
1\3 cup nutritional yeast 
1 small chopped zucchini 
1 green onion
1 clove garlic
juice of 1 lemon  
pinch of salt , cumin , paprika 
some water .

put all ingredients in a high-speed blinder or food processor
pulse until you reach your desire consistently
Add more water as needed
transfer the cheese to a bowl and serve with crackers , veggie sticks , zucchini noodles or any recipes that you desire .

*put the leftover on a jar and refrigerate. the cheese will last for about 5 days . .

May 14, 2017

Movement ! الحركة

 English      العربية

we can put it in a simple way "movement is living " 
Moving your body moves everything in your life , everything is connected, watch how the very small things you do moves everything in your life .

Did you know that  even a ten mins walk boost brain chemistry to increase happiness, self-esteem, self image and relieves stress .
(I didn't mention the physical benefits cause it's endless )

if walking makes you feel happy then do it , if its running , jumping , dancing , swimming or cycling just do whatever you love and feel good about .
the most important things is that you do what you wanna do and love doing it , and DO NOT do it because you have to or you supposed to or because you'll feel guilty if you didn't, do it out of love , because you love your self , you love your body and you want to feel good always .

many people eat healthy food and diet but they still getting sick and depression, why?! because they don’t move .when you move your body everything in your life starts to move .
You and only you have the responsibility to change your life so get going .
Read more about the benefits of physical activity , try it and see the feeling you will feel after that and hold on to it ,make your own program ( walking , running , workout , yoga ... etc ) for half an hour or an hour or as long as you want .

have you ever seen a dog or cat or any animal who sleeps all the time, lazy and just want to lay down? No, Why because movement it's natural that's what all organisms do , if the plant stop moving what will happen ? that's exactly what's gonna happen when you stop moving because you are a very important part of this plant .   

also setting is the most dangers thing we do without thinking about it ,here's a video for Markus Rothkranz talking about how sitting effects you in a very bad way , after you watch it you will change your mind about your lifestyle .

May 3, 2017

Kiwi and Spinach Smoothie

 English      العربية

quick and healthy green smoothie for breakfast. and taste exactly like kiwi, green is so good for your body and it makes you look good, there's no better way than to blend it all together to make a healthy delicious smoothie to start your day with!

  • 1 cup nondairy milk or water 
  • 1 kiwi 
  • 1 frozen banana 
  • 1 cup spinach 
  • 1 tbsp chia seed
  • pinch of cinnamon 

put all ingredients in the blender , blend until smooth , serve immediately and Enjoy <3