May 31, 2017

DIY Turmeric Face Mask . قناع الكركم للوجه

 English      العربية

Homemade face mask with Turmeric witch known as the secret woppen of beauty because of its benefit for the skin and here's some of 

Turmeric beauty benefits

  • Turmeric is high in antioxidants that slow down cell damage .
  • Improves skin’s texture .
  • Helps with inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne, dry skin, psoriasis and eczema .
  • Helps to even skin tone .
  • Gives you a glowing skin .
  • Remove scars and reduces wrinkles and dark circles .
When used regularly, this face mask will give your skin more glowing, help whitening your skin and clear up these common skin problems .

DIY Turmeric Mask

  • 1 tsp Turmeric Powder
  • 1 tbsp raw honey
  • 1 tbsp olive oil 
Clean your face with a gentle facial cleanser
Pat your face dry before using the mask
Apply the paste to your face and neck 
Leave for 10 to 15 min
Remove thoroughly with warm water
Apply your favorite moisturizer or oil such as jojoba oil or avocado oil .

" The sign of a beautful person is that they always see beauty in others " 

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